Thursday, September 25, 2008


"But I never felt like I had much choice with Jesus; he was relentless. I didn't experience him so much as the hound of heaven, as the old description has it, as the alley cat of heaven, who seemed to believe that if it just keeps showing up , mewling outside your door, you'd eventually open up and give him a bowl of milk. Of course, as soon as you do, ... he's sleeping on your bed every night, and stepping on your chest at dawn to play a little push-push... I was tired and vulnerable and he won... He started sleeping on my bed that night. It was not so bad. It was even pretty nice. He loved me, he didn't shed or need to have his claws trimmed, and he never needed a flea dip. I mean, what a savior, right?"

ha. this is a quote by anne lamott - a author who spoke in lakewood the other night.
i have read three of her books, and thoroughly enjoy her writing. she is the type of person that makes you think "wait, you believe what!?" and "yeah, i feel the same way" all in the same chapter. her writing is humorous and honest. she is a liberal hippy and so i was expecting the like to be at her talk. nope. all older cute little ladies. the ladies who meet for book club on tuesday and knitting night on thursday. in fact there was a lady about 3 rows in front of us who was knitting whilst listening to anne lamott. i mean i guess you cant get behind on those kind of things. and by that age you can just knit in your sleep practically. or have a serious conversation with your friend. you hear the clickity-click of the needles in the background while talking on the phone. im gonna be like that.

ANYWAY, if you are interested you should check out "traveling mercies."
i love talking about things that are controversial. and anne lamott definitely fits into that category.

here are some more fun quotes by her:

“You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”

“A hundred years from now? All new people.”

“When hope is not pinned wriggling onto a shiny image or expectation, it sometimes floats forth and opens.”

"I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.”

Monday, September 22, 2008

Salam wa aleikum

the whole time i was in egypt i said "salam" to everyone thinking it meant "hello" but i guess it means "peace"...same same. people looked at me weird either way. me and my friend lindsay walking around in tank tops and big sun glasses. what? we were in the desert! needless to say, we stuck out. even when i wore my head scarf. which i am in love with by the way and you will be too. im starting a trend. head scarves for white people. you never have to do your hair again.
the trip started off wandering around nyc with our luggage. i officially hate backpacks. the backpacking kind. i put as much stuff into it as i possibly could not considering that i would be wearing it on my BACK. dang it. from now on i am only using roller bags. even if i go to the jungles of peru. after climbing trees in central park and playing the "big" piano, came 11.5 hours of bliss, that is the life of first class. never in my life would i be able to afford coach to egypt never mind first class. 2 movies, 10 meals, and a 6 hour nap later we land in the far away land of cairo, egypt.
the first thing i notice on our way to the hostel was their driving. there is no organization. a two lane road, becomes a three or four lane road. everyone is just honking all the time. i think the horn has completely lost its value, they have worn it out. now they just have to honk longer or more. hoooonk, honk-honk, honk-honk-honk - interprets into 'passing on your left.' in the mean time there are people, and not just rushed adults, but young children, crossing the streets as they wish. yes, some are on donkeys. some our carrying recently killed chickens. our driver made a joke (well, he made it a few times) that when you cross the street you just close your eyes and pray. the taxi we were in had shag carpet on the ceiling, a broken rear view mirror, no ac of course, no seat belts, and for some reason in every car in egypt the backseat left side window is always broken. in case you ever go - dont pick that side.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


colorado has been anticipating the democratic national convention...and i didnt really know what to expect exactly. all i knew was that there would be a lot of people and that i wanted to some how be in all the action (oh and make money). my friends and i thought about renting out our cars or providing some kind of service (breakfast burritos perhaps). but i was excited when my friend asked if i wanted to hang out and promote verizon downtown for $150 a day. im not sure how my friend had this connection, im not a huge fan of cell phone services, but we had a blast. mostly we sang karaoke and jammed out (next to our verizon car with huge speakers) on 16th street. if you were down there we probably gave you some sunscreen. half the people that were downtown were promoting something as well. the anti-war crowd who were pushing people (mmmm...) and the hilary clinton crowd (i dont know if they heard...). my favorite was the guy holding a poster yelling "WE HAVE A VOICE AND WE NEED TO BE HEARD!!!"...then you look up at what the poster says - "BRING BACK CRYSTAL PEPSI!" hahaha. you gotta love living in america where everyone is opinionated and everyone wants to tell you about why they think what they think. even my 6 year old nephew says to me, "rock obama is so cool."
"oh yeah?" i say. "yeah, i dont like john mccain." hmmm...i wonder what kids he has been talking to on the playgroud.