well, i need to start from the beginning because you are probably asking yourself, "what's a haakon?"
and so...lets go back to july of 2010. it was my second year at roskilde and this time we decided to attend all EIGHT days. The first four days are called the "warm up days." there are games and music and they show the world cup on big screens. this is where i meet haakon...we make friends with these Norwegian guys and a few Argentineans and for the next 4 days we are all best friends. haakon and i are practically dating and it was getting serious until day 5. i lost him. i mean i literally dont know where he went. its a festival of 100,000 people and i didn't have a cell phone. day 7 i found him.
holding hands with some Swedish girl.
shot through the heart.
after the festival i tried finding him online but i didn't even know how to SAY his name, never mind spell it.
roskilde 2011. one year later.
haakon and his friends have a kurt cobain flag and i see the flag from a distance. it was haakon. we are reunited alas! we hug and kiss and this time i would make sure to exchange phone numbers. so i give him mine. we were meeting up with people at the time - so i left him and told him i would see him soon. he never called.
three weeks later.
im laying on the couch when i get this text. "hey this is haakon. i hope this is the right number. i tried calling you at the festival but it wouldn't go through...i've been editing the first couple digits to see if it would work." apparently i gave him the wrong country code. a legitimate excuse. i text him back and we start skyping. and then...
three weeks later, he invites me to visit bergen, norway. we walk around holding hands and hiking. he calls me katja and i call him hawks. and although we have nothing in common and realistically it would be way to hard to actually date...hawks is one of the nicest guys. a sweetheart. it was a pleasure visiting him and i really hope we stay in touch (see you at roskilde 2012!).
and if you ever get a chance to go to bergen it is absolutely beautiful.
and lesson learned...if you ever meet a cute scandinavian at a crowded festival make sure you exchange the right phone numbers (and country codes)
the picture of us i know is not the best...but it depicts that moment of us reuniting at the festival. so happy :)