Monday, November 12, 2012

november is the WORST.

november is my least favorite month.

i dont think its always been this way - or maybe i just wasn't as effected before but I have officially declared november as the worst month. despite just feeling like there are more bad things than good that happen this month. there are other reasons to justify this statement.
I do believe that the sun makes me happy. and so i believe seasonal affective disorder is real. it is a fact that people in the northwest get depressed. so first reason why the time of year is hard - daylight savings time. all the sudden the sun goes down at 5. the days feel so short and it makes me so sad. second reason - its cold. cold and no snow. i know i live in colorado but you know it takes a month or so to "warm up" to the idea of wearing long underwear to bed. also, i think this especially effects those people who are homeless and wondering around looking for any way they can to find money to find drugs and make their life a little less bad. thus breaking into housed and cars. and so it makes sense that my car was broken into again this november. third reason - it is the beginning of the holiday season. for some this is "the most wonderful time of year" and for others it is stressful, lonely, and awkward. Or a reminder of someone they have lost.

i think december will be good. i honestly dont mind snow and who doesn't like sitting around the fire drinking hot coco!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Calvin the Chemist.

I met him at matchbox on a tuesday night.
The music was loud so we had to yell,
I yelled.
He liked to drink IPAs and watch football.
He was obsessed with the book "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac, and I am certain that is the reason he moved to Denver.
He kept the periodic table in his pocket.
One time he asked me if I would like to go on a "hammock date."
Yeah, like the thing you lay in.
"A hammock date?"
yeah - dammit - just meet me at Cheesman park at 6pm. I will a hammock.

I did. And he was.
We drank wine and ate cheese and it was the best hammock date I had ever been on.