"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein
it is common for people to leave a theater with recognition of exceptional cinematography or commendable acting. of how they determine what makes a movie "good." going to the movies can be a fun social outing and different movies protray different things. im a girl who likes romantic comedies. but i also like movies that challenge how i live, what i know or thought i knew, how i or we should change. how we should or could love. a couple of movies/documentaries that have changed what i think are, "invisible children," "blood diamond," "in america," and today my sister and i saw "slumdog millionaire." we ran errands and got food right before and were running a tad behind so we literately ran to the theater (story of my life). as we started eating our sandwiches and making ourselves comfortable we quickly realized this was not the feel good sort of movie. we left with the reminder of reality. of atrocities in the world. corruption and loss and hopelessness and strugle for the innocent. we left with conversation of how two brothers with the exact same childhood can grow up to be completely different. and with the question or "what do we do?." how does this affect how i live or who i love? because i dont want to live my comfortable life that i am so grateful for and end up missing the point completely.