us annoying americans thought this was funny to ask of english people in our bad english accent. we lived up to our loud obnoxious reputation. it started on the plane - sitting in first class. we are always the youngest people in first and always the most excited. im sorry to whomever we may have disturbed but we just didnt want to waste any of our time in first class sleeping!
the short adventure consisted of myself, crazy lindsay, matt meyer, a sweet girl taylor - and some lovely english friends sarah, matt, a couple of chriss and a rich. we definitely could have used a few more days, but im not sure if we could have afforded it. both nights (yes we were only there 2 nights) were amazing. the first we experienced the london eye with a perfect sky, went to different little pubs, met people from south africa, pranced oh the cobblestone, ate kebabs, played cards and shared stories about our different lives with our new friends. i think we went to bed at 4:30am. the following evening was spent marveling at the astounding talent of priscilla ahn and ray lamontagne. i was only able to hear one song of priscillas but will see her again some day. hopefully. we wondered around the historic little town of nottingham and met up with sarah's friend matt who managed this really cool serene cafe/music venue/bar. we drank tea and listened to music as he told us stories of robinhood.
the next day we took a train from birmingham to london, subway to the airport, flew from heathrow to jfk to slc to den. longest day and a half ever. it all seemed like a dream really. a good dream.
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