on saturday the 25th invisible children put on another big event. this is their third big event, the first one being the "global night commute" which represented the kids who have to walk miles into town every night to sleep in order to avoid being abducted in the bush. young passionate people slept outside all over the country in 50 different cities...asking for change. it was huge. the second was "displace me" - the focus here was for all the people who have been displaced and live in these horrible conditions. again tens of thousands of young passionate people slept outside in their cities. asking for change. although a lot of help has been given, this war is still going strong. joseph kony has not backed down.
on saturday after we got back from kansas my little sister and i brought our sleeping bags and joined about 1,500 people in downtown denver. every city sets up camp downtown - writing letters and making phone calls to moguls asking to be rescued. a political leader or A list celebrity must show up and acknowledge this humanitarian crisis and the attention it needs.
after denver, and most cities, got rescued, there were only a few left. "rescue riders" drove across country to join the cities that have not yet been rescued. chicago is the last one left!!! its been almost 6 days! and there are over 500 people marching around harpo studios. holding out for oprah or oboma (ha....the two most powerful people in the world...that is of course the IC way). i was able to join them for 2 days and the experience of marching with peace signs for a cause like this, meeting other amazing people who "get it," seeing the passion and excitement and energy!
there is something that happens when you realize the lack of difference between yourself and someone else. between an american child and a ugandan child. an american mother who has lost their child and a ugandan mother who has lost their child. for some reason i was born here. god has blessed me with so much and i just pray that myself and the rest of the youth of america can 'be the change' they want to see.
together we are free.