this weekend may have made the top 10 list of good weekends.
on friday my friends and i enjoyed happy hour at dazzle, and had some very good mac and cheese. we then ventured off to the artwalk on sante fe, there are tons of art galleries, all with different styles of art. live music. wine and cheese. all free . we ended the evening with a game of clue at the shoppe (they specialize in cereal and cupcakes ...yum:))
on saturday we stood in line for hours for the REI garage sale! which was a success. and that night we celebrated the marriage of laura and james. laura has been a dear friend of mine since ecuador trip 1999 with our church :) and although is has been harder to keep in touch as our lives take place in separate places and with the reality of work and life, i know we will always make an effort to keep up with the important things. like her brand new husband james! anyway, i loved the wedding! and laura look so beautiful and happy! congratulations friend! i love you.
sunday is funday. always my favorite. chruch with my sister at flatirons. and then we celebrated easter early at my parents. the boys looked sooooooo cute in their matching outfits. and my mom got all of us girls some fancy high heals in our easter baskets.
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