it was july first and initially i was planning on leaving the next day. while lindsay and her friend willow went to the 4 day roskilde festival. but calling in sick for my one day of work, started to look like a better option. i have been looking up musical festivals and wanting to go for years. so perhaps this was what ive been waiting for. my only hesitation was the $300 and that lindsay and willow are slightly more (or a lot more) crazier than i.
willow was trying to get to copenhagen via a delta buddy pass. which i am pretty sure i will never give out. its likely that person will not be your buddy at the end of their trip. it took her 3 days and $600 extra to get there. crazy. and she checked her bag, which they lost. so lindsay and i greeted her at the airport with the most popular cph beer, carlsberg, and a paper danish flag, which you vigorously wave back and forth (this is what the danish do, so when in rome...). she was excited to finally be there. we took her "home," to our third couchsurfer in cph, and our least favorite. of course we are greatful for any couch and anyone opening their home, but we just never really saw the people that lived there. apparently they have couchsurfers every night, so we were just more travelers passing through.
the plan for the night was icebar. something we had been looking forward to for a month before coming to cph. we got all dressed up, gave willow clothes to wear and set out for a 25 min walk or so accross town (cph is small). most of the time we were traveling we did not know what time it was and its so hard to gauge by the sun, because it doesnt get dark till after 11pm! so when we arrived at the icebar at the icehotel, we were surprised it was closed and even more surprised that it was almost one in the morning. dang. apparently it was wednesday (hard to keep track when you are traveling). so we went for A drink at the dive bar next door...and there are always interesting people at dive bars. willow was bar-tending, i played some darts and lindsay made friends with everyone. it wasnt long before the sun was coming up and willow needed food. we went to burger king where we made friends and willow won a burping contest. the other contestant would not have even made second or third place :) somehow on the way home we ended up sharing a cab with this guy from france. i sat in the front seat and tried to be responsible because we had to wake up at 8:30...and that wasnt very far away. the guy talked the girls into going to get beers. what!? its daylight now! no. no. no. but i am outvoted. we finally got back "home" at 6:30am.
willow, put on some shorts of one of the guys who lived there and set her alarm for 8:30am...she would pick up her bag at the airport and come back and then we would all go to the festival and meet morten at 11am.
i wake up. look at my watch, and it is 1:15 in the afternoon! what! that is five hours late. we all wake up and contemplate plan b.
and so this is a night in the life in copenhagen.
eventually we all made it to the festival that day. in time to meet our friends and see kayne west. what happened for the next 4 days was nothing less than an adventure.
and there is a saying, if life is not a daring is nothing at all.
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