so, with moving comes the inevitable realization of how much crap you own. the whole "nothing to wear" feeling, turns into a more guilty feeling when you found 3 similar purple shirts. shoot. so im sorting through all my belongings, making a give away pile that will first go through my sisters and mom before it gets to a thrift store. or maybe throw one of those parties where you invite all your girlfriends over and their unwanted clothes and you just throw all the clothes in the middle and everyone goes through them, see if they want anything. and then whatever is left can be taken to good will. great idea.
anyways, i came across all my scrapbooks. i thought i had like 4 or theres like 9 or 10. i mean i remember i liked doing it, but dang! i havent done it in couple years, i think im done. its fun to be creative and i love doing art projects (not that i am good at them) but i think its time to turn my hobby over to technology. keep my all my pictures online. print out a few for frames. printing out EVERY picture and sometimes getting doubles! is just not very realistic anymore. it will be hard because im obsessed with pictures, but i think i should save my scrapbooking skills for only the very special occasions :)
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