so im sitting at home. looking at pictures. slightly depressed. i didnt know id be gone for three weeks. i didnt realize how much you can experience in three weeks. the people you meet. the smells, the taste, the feelings i felt. and now im back home. looking at pictures.
a couple months ago a girl tayler, (a fellow flight attendant) who had gone to london with a bunch of us earlier this year, said she was going to southeast asia and wondered if i wanted to go. um...yes.
i have been wanting to go to thailand since 2000 when i saw the movie "the beach." not just because the beach in that film looked like Paradise, but the whole country intrigues me. then in 2003 i studied abroad in austriala. i felt so close to thailand and began planning a spring break trip up there. my dad said "no." or it was more like, "hell no." great.
so now 2009. and even though my dad was still not fond of the idea (at all)...i had to go. im not staying home. im not living my life working a boring job, reading my bible in the comfort of my own house and going to church every sunday. i cant. so i go. with no real expectations. not a lot of planning. i knew we would be visiting some poor areas but i had no plan of helping or how to help. we were not going with an organization. and i dont go with the intention of sharing the gospel but simply to love the people i meet. in Christ name. whatever that means. really we were two open-minded, interested, young girls. looking for adventure.
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