Of course its great that tayler still has benefits and can fly for free, but i just kinda wish she was a flight attendant for skywest. and had the same life and benefits as me :) we woke up at the buttcrack of dawn and said our goodbyes, hoping to just see each other at the copenhagen airport. Well...with standby we tend to hope for the best but expect the worst. my plan a - was to fly out of atlanta. plan b - out of jfk...somehow i ended up in newark. and so did tayler. after a night in new york with a friend. we finally made it on a continental flight first class to cph!!!
Making our way straight to roskilde we thought we would get our tent set up and and settle in and then we could go to the city or what have you. we waited in line. mingled/danced/drank carlsberg with the other 50,000 roskilders and as everyone was relaxing. someone started talking over the PA system. in danish of course. as he finished speaking everyone frantically picked up there stuff and started running into the camping area. the doors had been opened. and if tayler and i didnt grab our stuff and start running with them we would probably get seriously injured. "where is everyone running to?" asked tayler, as we are running, "i have no idea...i think we have to find a place to camp, but i dont know where is good." After running aimlessly for a good while we found an open space next to some good looking fellows and declared our home for the next week.
little did we know that we choose "L" came which tends to be more popular for the crazy teenagers and first time rosklide goers.
im not even kidding, through out the week people sprayed us with beer. peed on our tent. spray painted our tent. and it was not unusual for them to be playing limbo and blasting music at 4am.
needless to say i felt like i was at the kids table at thanksgiving and next year we are definitely camping in the "B" or "C" camp with the adults.
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