my lovely friend shell and her lovely husband dane now live in wichita falls, texas.
i know, i have never heard of it either.
but this is where dane got based to train to be a fighter pilot and so this is where we go to visit :)
thanks to my job, you could live in springfield, missouri or little rock, arkansas or des moines, iowa and i will most likely come to visit :)
me, hannah, jackie and becca all have very busy schedules (who doesnt) finding a weekend to drive to texas was hard. honestly, im actually surprised it all came together. on august 24th we woke up at the butt crack-of-dawn - beccas car packed with junk food, mix cds, blankets, pillows, starbucks and the best of friends.
it was sooo good to see the coppinis and their new little life in texas. we laughed and drank wine and ate michelles famous meatballs (her grandmas recipe) and slept in and laughed some more and met friends and almost got attacked by a bull and then laughed a little bit more.
all of us girls are quite different and we are all in different paths of life but we can always understand each other and be there for each other and share some wine together.
and that is what girlfriends are for.
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