- you start every story with "when i was in..."
- you judge people on where they have been or where they want to go.
- your bookshelf mostly contains guide books, lonely planets, and novels that take place in foreign countries (ex shantaram, three cups of tea, the girl with the dragon tattoo)
- you take an emergency supply of granola bars and toliet paper and water and a sarong in your car.
- you have more than one currency in your wallet right now.
- you could have a parasite (you probably do have a parasite).
- you have apps on your phone of "common phrases in french" or "how to speak thai."
- while trying to do important stuff on the internet you often end up reading some travel blog or researching the next overseas music festival.
- when buying something you relate it to how many days it would be worth in your next destination (that cost about 10 days in thailand)
- you pretend you are a travel writer. and wish you could work for national geographic.
- you are on your second passport. and you ask for 'no stamp' when going to canada.
- you can only understand half of your "news feed" on facebook...because too many of your friends are foreign.
- you are considering getting cable...just for the travel channel.
- you could tell someone what every outlet looks like around the world. denmark has two round pegs.
- you can fit a months worth of liquid products in a one quart size bag.
- you understand and appreciate what it means to be home. and it is so sweet. but it wont be long before you have to go again. the world -it calls to you. you live passionately...holding nothing back. you travel lightly. quick to listen, slow to speak. not taking anything for granted.
and well, sometimes you dream of wine in paris, motorcycles in india and being in argentina with a man who can dance.
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