i recently went to the fourth annual crawfish boil party put on by the boys who used to live in the 525 house. it's always good seeing them again and it was the most perfect weather. all the girls were either wearing sundresses and hats. or bike shorts and helmets. i was in a sundress and hat.
one of the normal catch up on life questions of course is - "where are you living now?" - i stand up straight and with pride announce that,
"i have just moved to - SUNNYSIDE."
oh? where's that?
you know - sunnyside. it's like just north of highlands.
hmmm...never heard of it.
ugh. i am trying to make make my neighborhood the next "it" neighborhood...but this exact conversation happened about three times.
the next day i ran into an old friend nathan from CSU and he asked where i was living these days. i told him -
"oh, just north of highlands"
"sunnyside?" he asks.
i have been having sooo much fun painting and going to ikea and learning how to tile and drilling and messing up and going through bins from my parents house. i love that if i dont have time to put away the dishes - no one freaking cares (not that my place is a mess). i love paying my mortgage every month and feeling responsible.
the beginning of february the loan was officially accepted. the inspection went well and we closed on the 27th. i could not sleep the night before - still so nervous that something wouldn't go through or i would not make it to the closing. but after signing my life away i was handed the key. it was still a bit unreal. i went back to my sisters and we immediately took a load over and started brainstorming paint colors.
the next day i went to hawaii.
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