i arrived in san diego at about one o'clock. after a not so fun deadhead (kids yelling all around me) i was excited to see my friend lindsay! she picked me up and we drove around town - pointing out places she used to work, the college she went to, where she goes running. it was fun to see into the window of her world - that which she calls home. so jealous.
we pull up to a stop light and glance at the dog looking out the window of the car right next to us, then we stare at the dogs owner who is very attractive. lindsay assures me that he is most likely on his way to 'dog beach' and thus becomes are next destination. we walk there from lindsays house and get burritos and drinks on the way. it was a beautiful day, perfect for sitting on the beach. we set up our picnic right smack in the middle of 'dog beach' and proceed to eat lunch and watch boys. i didnt really know what to expect and i never turn anything down that involves a beach. i access the situation and notice that we are surrounded by every type of dog. there are chihuahuas playing with st. bernards. english bull dogs and rottweilers. you name it. i quickly realize how out of place i feel. first - we DONT have a dog, and second i remember how i get SUPER awkward around dogs. they just make me nervous. but i dont admit this. i just play it cool. act normal. until i accidentally yell, "OH SHIT! A PIT BULL!" - as this full grown pit bull is charging towards us, full speed (or maybe towards the ball that his owner just threw near us), but still all i could think of is some show on animal planet called "when dogs attack" subtitled, "at the beach." Lindsay just laughs and asks me if i am scared of dogs. "ha ha...no. im just joking"....no im not. there we are eating and having conversation and BAM - a dog would trample right through the 10 inch space between lindsay and i - getting sand all over our picnic. this would happen multiple times. but of course we cant say anything. i mean we are choosing to eat our lunch in the smack dab middle of DOG beach!!!
i survived and at the end of the day i actually came to fall in love with one of them. a weimaraner.
i think he loved me too.
the rest of our day/night consisted of making friends with high schoolers and paying them a dollar to do back flips. taking jumping pictures. buying matching rainbows. ordering burritos in spanish on peoples answering machines (ok that was just lindsay). and watching this you tube video over and over. lots of laughing. best layover ever.
hahhahahahhaha i totally forgot i ordered a burrito on the phone. why? to who?
i cant leave a message on your blog because you need to post something!! did you read my blogs about egypt and costa and england??? you ordered a burrito on 'dunkins' voice mail. twice.
oops. my roommate was signed in.
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