sometimes unaccompanied minors can be the most obnoxious kids ever. constantly pushing that stupid call button.
im thirsty. i have to go to the bathroom. are we there yet? what time is it? i have to go to the bathroom again.
but yesterday i had a little girl named emma who was age seven.
the cutest little girl. really shy. small with short brown hair. i walked her back to row nine. and she says excited "maybe another little girl will get to sit next to me!"
that would be perfect. but of course it was a grumpy old man.
she had good manners and just played with her stuffed animals. read a book.
she was nervous to use the restroom. and got a little lost going back to her seat :)
when we got to denver - i asked who she was visiting (assuming it was either her mom or dad). she said her dad and went on to explain that her parents are separated. i told her she was lucky to get to live in TWO places.
she wasn't sure but she thinks her grandpa is picking her up.
everyone is off the plane.
i walk her up to customer service - but they are overwhelmed with people.
"here is the UM" i tell them.
"k." they say.
"uh...she is seven."
"k." they say again. without looking over.
great. i go clean the plane while emma just stands by the customer service desk. holding her little stuffed animal.
5 min later. she hasn't moved. there are people everywhere. but no one notices her.
15 min go by.
ugh! i just want to take her home. we even got in a little late! where is dad!? or grandpa!?
i am mad at emmas parents. i know i dont know their situation. but if you cant live in the same state as your seven year old little girl named emma at least be on time to greet her when she comes off the plane to visit!!!!!! at least.
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