i was waiting for Sassi to come pick me up.
it had been four days.
four loooong days in an ashram. tayler was out bathing elephants somewhere and i was leaving to go....home, i guess.
this whole ashram thing wasnt even part of our plan! ok...it wasnt part of MY plan. i didnt even know what an ashram was when i stepped into this place.
of course the only preparation i did was glance of the "home page" from their website:
"The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram is set in 12 acres of tropical splendour in the foothills of Kerala's Western Ghats. The natural beauty of Neyyar Dam, the forested surroundings, the cool green coconut tree groves and colourful flower-filled views, all offer an ideal atmosphere for the practice of yoga and meditation.
The ashram program covers classical yoga techniques, taught in a warm and friendly environment, helps to instil in guests a deep awareness of the spiritual essence of life."
sounds great.
what it doesnt tell you is that you wake up at 5am for about an HOUR of "meditation" and singing- "ok everyone sit with your back straight, eyes closed, while repeating your "mantra" for the next 30 minutes."
Tayler and I just look at each other.
"30 minutes?" tayler mouths to me.
"what's a mantra?" i ask back.
and so there we were. the clueless western girls who just wanted to read our novels (reading novels is forbidden at the ashram) and eat a hamburger (again maybe this was just me).
but i can honestly say, after my experience at the ashram, that i have more respect and understanding for meditation and yoga and the benefits it can have for the mind, body and soul.
since ive been back i admit that i havent embraced meditation as much as ive intended. and although meditation stems from buddism, i believe that it can be a substantial part of my relationship with God. I think the act of surrendering my own thoughts can allow myself to connect with God on a different level. so much of my relationship has been based on how I have interpreted Him to be or have wanted him to be. so i think ill start with meditating on a few words or a verse.
ill let you know how it goes ;)