"last call for flight 856 to Delhi"
I had been hanging out/sleeping at the London Heathrow airport for the last nine hours and I was holding off on boarding the flight.
to india.
what was i thinking?
i dont know anything about india. and tayler didn't make her flight, so i was going alone. to INDIA!! I was arguing/talking to myself as the line crept closer.
frantically looking around for ANYONE who looked normal, spoke english, had a backpack. this was plan A - find a friend and ask them to take me with them, where ever it is they were going.
my seat was something like "42J." middle seat and i just stared straight ahead, lonely planet on my lap. counting how many minutes I had to change my mind.
and then an angel from god aka 22 year old Antonin from france sat down next to me. lonely planet in hand. with the exact same expression on his face that i had.
we became friends instantly. he had booked his ticket the night before and was going to india for a six month internship in Japiur. he aslo had no idea what he was getting into. hated spicy food. and his tv on the eight hour flight was broken :) we bonded and he didnt leave my side for the next day,"our" first day in india.
the colors the smells the people the food - i was tired, but my eyes were wide open. people tell you about these places but it doesnt matter. i had to go. i had to see it for myself. and there i was drinking chai with the locals. "alone" in one of the most populated countries. i had no idea what i had just gotten myself into.
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