we were finally leaving delhi. we had booked our whole trip and it involved a lot of trains! we were looking forward to the experience and excited for the adventure. but we also were starting to feel sick.
"when you get to the train station DONT show your ticket to ANYONE. dont ask anyone any questions. find the train number on the board and then find the platform and then go to that platform. this is going to be a culture shock. there are not going to be other women or tourist. its a five hour train ride and the doors stay open which mean beggars are on and off. watch your stuff. dont sleep. dont accept or buy anything from anyone...they will try to poison you and steal your stuff. any questions?"
"um...yeah. where can i throw up?" i said. completely serious.
"what?" he looks at me confused.
i walk out the door and throw up on a bunch of trash.
I thought it was the end of my sickness. i thought we would just get a 24 hour food poisoning thing. i thought i was incapable of getting "culture shock." i thought i would adjust to india a little quicker.
but for the next week tayler and i saw the worst of each other. we couldnt keep anything down. we didnt eat. i would try to drink water but i couldnt keep that down. i just laid in bed thinking of how INDIA really stands for "Ill Never Do It Again."
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