Friday, May 17, 2013

meet addison.

Hannah has been my best friend since gym class of sophomore year (thanks Mr. Porecco for forcing us to be partners). We were 15 years old and it tells a lot when you are supposed to hate each other (typical high school stuff) and you undeniably connect and become best friends - seeing each other through high school break ups, off to college, roadies for invisible children, marriage, buying a house.

And now, a baby.

Miss Addison was born on March 22nd - I was out on a date and it didn't seem weird for us to make a quick stop by the hospital to see everyone and pick up the placenta. Normal date stuff.

I am so proud and excited for my friends. They have been amazing parents already and have so much love for this lucky little girl. I cant wait to see her grow. And I cant wait for Hannah and I to tell her stories of "when we were in high school..."

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