Sunday, April 8, 2012

to be alone with you.

happy easter everybody!
it is a day of celebration and family and worship!
which is all wonderful. and i cant wait to see my family later today. but there is something i have been looking forward to. i have been gone for almost 3 weeks, tayler and i got home late last night. and as much as i have missed hot showers, my own bed, clean air. my soul longs for solitude. reflection on not necessarily my trip but on life and purpose and loving god.
and so easter is the perfect day, as everyone is out socializing and doing family things. i get to be alone for a bit. no travel buddy. no temples to visit. no weddings to attend. for just a little while i just get to embrace the silence. and just be.
i have seen so much in the last couple weeks. i dont know what to even think of it all. not that i am trying to make sense of the world...but try to simply experience it and learn. its always a bit of mixed emotions coming back from a long trip. and easter (having its own set of emotions) sort of snuck up on me.
anyway, there is pressure that my time with god today should be more special. more intentional. i need to pray the right words or feel that special easter feeling.
but im just here. i am humbled and my words are simple and few.

sometimes for me the only way i can talk to god is to just listen.

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